For the first time in Halo 5 history a new champion was crowned at the 2018 Halo world championship. For the past two years of the games exsistance the formally known team CLG and OPTIC Gaming had won back to back world championships and where considered to be the best Halo team in the history of Halo esports. Until the spylce roster had been put together the roster consisting of snakebite, lethul, frosty and royal 2 where the best of the best and winning every tournament. With the third Halo 5 world championship coming Tox had a lot to prove in hopes of keeping consistency and winning for the third time in a row. Leading up to the tournaments the Tox roster was faced with more challenges than just the pressure from the fans when they had received word they had gotten released from optic. Although this didnt detour them they really had to step up their game because of spylces dominance winning every tournament leading up to the big 1 million dollar final. Unfortunately a new champion was crowned and a massive upset came the way for Tox. Spylce winning was more than just the money a new meta for playing competitive Halo had come to life as practicing against there own team mates rather than other teams was born. Although Tox wasnt able to take the 3 peat it is definately best to say that they go down in the books as one of the best rosters to ever compete.

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